Practice -at Family Words

Hear AT Words
Speak AT Words
Play AT Words
Read AT Words
Get NFTs

Simply hearing the "AT" sound matched with letters at a very young age makes early reading easier.

Practice Filling In The Missing AT Word 


Watch, listen and sing along to the "Spell Wesley | With A Song" video.

When your child is ready to "spell their name" with the song, take the assessment.


Listen and sing along to the "Spell Wesley | With A Song" video.

Just say, "Alexa, spell Wesley"

Music Streaming

Listen and sing along to the "Spell Wesley | With A Song" video.

Just say, "Play, spell Wesley"


Once your child has taken and passed the assessment, a One-Of-A-Kind NFT documenting and commemorating gets minted 

Knows Letter Sounds? Practice Reading At Words


If your child knows what a cat is and knows most of their ABCs, it's a great time to start singing at word songs with them. If they know the related letter sounds, they can start reading the word cat within weeks.


While small children see a cat in a book or video almost every day, bats often only appear in video frequently around Halloween. But they typically make a big impression. Bat also conveniently rhymes with two other mammals your child probably knows.


The Brainsprays' Pre-K font is free to download and designed to be customizable even for those that don't have programming experience.


The Brainsprays' Pre-K font is free to download and designed to be customizable even for those that don't have programming experience.


At is one of the most frequently used English words. But it's hard for kids that don't know letter sounds to spell because they hav 


When you select or tailor the Pre-K font to your child any online books, assessments or whiteboards you build on Brainsprays will use that font.


Our Goal is Simple

1 Million Preschoolers Reading 100 Sight Words

For the past several decades there's been one constant in primary and secondary education in the US: our children are far behind their global peers of the same age in math and reading.

In Singapore, for instance, the average student is 2.5 years ahead of the average American student in reading.

Some have proposed longer school years, higher teacher pay and even paying children to go to school. The Brainsprays solution, while simple, is a proven, low or no cost alternative that relies on three core advantages:

● Get results faster (months, not years)
● Gets results sooner (before they get to first grade, not after)
● Get children motivated to use the skills they learned