Why MathJam?

Change the world
Teachers hack
No code required
Parents hack
No travel required
Win a trophy

Teacher, Tutor and Parent innovations (hacks) become free Alexa math quests that change lives


How It Works For Hackers (Teachers/Parents)


1. Sign up

Just give your name, LinkedIn URL and role (teacher, parent, both)

Just say "Alexa, enable Math Snack"


2. Install our bot

For security, we text a new bot link before each weekly hackathon, but use old ones to practice

Just say, "Alexa, enable Next Number"


3. Create a quest

Use our bot to create your Hack from scratch on or edit/clone an existing one.

"Alexa, stock my prize closet with Dollar Toys"


4. Students test it

Students/parents try your lesson. If they learn faster, you win points.

The more parents that rate your math story as the most effective for their child to learn faster the more you win

How It Works For Students/Parents



A MathHacks lesson is started when the parent or the child say's the quest (story) name to Alexa. That name is part of the learning process.



The very first question your child will hear in a MathHacks quest ask is "What would you like to win today?"



Every lesson has a clue (or "hack") that very small children can understand and use to help them solve math problems and complete the quest..


Engagement & Bonding

One on one engagement, regardless of the medium, is almost always superior to group instruction. Parents share the journey and amplify it.


Memory of Existing Videos

MathHacks' lessons account for a small fraction of your child's time (maybe 1/100th), but enhance your child's memory of math in videos.


Existing Apps

MathHacks' recommends specific iPad/Tablet apps from trust sources, our Alexa lessons are a learning lever.


Why Alexa & Telegram

Smartspeakers are Infinitely Adaptable to Learning 

It's impractical for schools, parents and students to all adapt sufficiently to rapidly overcome the challenges of math education in the US.  
For the past several decades there's been one constant in primary and secondary education in the US: our children are far behind their global peers of the same age in math.
In Singapore, for instance, the average student is 3.5 years ahead of the average American student in math.
However, although programming Alexa lessons in a useful way requires very little background in coding, even the simplest programming task can be a huge barriers to thousands of people that could help millions of others learn faster. That's why we built chatbots that remove the need to code from the process. Now anyone with a useful educational contribution, can contribute.
There are many bot platforms available from major tech companies but they all come with an unwanted distraction from our core mission: mining user data for ads and serving ads during chat bot use. Telegram is the only reliable, open source solution currently available at scale that has never pushed ads on users and doesn't sell data to advertisers.

Want to have your product as a prize?

We are always seeking retailers, startups, manufacturers and others willing to  offer their products as prizes for parents and teachers that make winning math quests.


We're always ready to discuss partnering with retailers, educators, developers, parents and hackers.
Fill out the form or contact us directly:


6 East Alder, Suite 415
Walla Walla, Washington. 99362


24/7 Learning Never Sleeps

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